My name is Jon and I am a slacker...

I realized today that with all the free-ish time I have, I really don't do much. I really enjoy not doing much, but I might enjoy doing more. I do fairly well with getting homework done in a timely manner. My last paper for Music 201 I submitted to the online submitter with a whole 40 minutes to spare. When I was done I felt quite accomplished, but also quite befuddled as to what I was supposed to do for the remaining 40 minutes. I did what I usually do...I opened the bookmark saved permanently to my tabs called Netflix and proceeded to watch Psych. (NEW PSYCH STARTS TOMORROW, BY THE WAY)

Anyway, I'm looking around at my options to find something to occupy my time other than Netflix. Whether it be recording that talk show I talked about or reading, I need to do more.

Today, it would be a stretch to say that I worked at work. I spent a lot of the time removing seats from vans and trying to locate a missing seat that we need for tomorrow. It was freezing cold out, which made it more fun. Thankfully there weren't tons of vehicles to prep, so not getting lots of them done wasn't a problem. I also got locked out, which ate up a bit of time. Apparently, I don't have access to the little building, so when they locked it all up for devotional, they were locking me out. I sat around waiting for the other guy to come, and, of course, he was 20 minutes late today. It's ok though, because I sat in a car and listened to the radio, keeping quite warm.

Chance of snow tomorrow. I know for a fact that work will be busy, so I know for a fact I will freeze. No pneumonia yet, which is good. So far, not even a slight cold. I'll be upping my vitamin C intake in preparation for working outdoors in sub-freezing temperatures every day.

No life altering stories this week...yet. Dentist next week, which could be life altering. I'm not too nervous about the exam, but I am nervous about what they will find during the exam. As far as I know, they still can't numb my mouth without pricking me with the object-that-must-not-be-named, so I have nothing to look forward to but pain. 

Life is good.

Today my song of the day is inspired by my preparation for the storm tomorrow. On a deeper (more boring to Angela) note, it is a song I like to listen to when things get a little rough. "Tomorrow's another day, and I am not afraid, so bring on the rain." I like to take that attitude a lot. Tomorrow's another day. I am not afraid...and things always turn out pretty well.

Here's to a good day to you all.
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