Wow. I wish you all could have been there to see the firework show I put on tonight. It was pretty awesome. Nay, it was really awesome. In case you forgot or didn't read the previous post about it, we have food employee parties once a month. This month we chose to do fireworks. We get $5 per employee and we have 69 employees. So I had $345 to get fireworks and food with. I hand selected the best fountains my firework stand had to offer and then got an assortment pack with 17 fountains to fill in the gaps between the better fountains. Then I got lots of little things. Some tanks, a parachute battalion that shoots 35 parachutes off real quick, crackling balls, jumping jacks (a firework like strip that shoot off and jump around like ground flowers) and some ya-never-know-what-they'll-do happiness fountains. In all, I had around about 40 good fountains to light plus around 50 of the little stuff and then a handful of (possibly illegal) rockets, repeaters and mortars. Total of proabably 90-100 pieces to light. The fountains impressed big time. The majority of the larger ones lasted between 1:30 and 2:30 and then some of the smaller ones from the assortment went 30 seconds to a minute each. I lit them with a blow torch because we had one and it's just easier than anything else. Funny story though. One of them the wick lit but fell off or something so I lit it inside with the blowtorch and got back. 3 seconds later the entire thing just went KABOOM out of the side. It was pretty ridiculously awesome. It smoldered 5 feet from where it blew up for about 10 minutes. We had one or two more that also exploded. One was a Happiness Fountain and we expected it to possibly explode because ask anyone who has seen one...that's just what they do. Another was an assortment small fountain and the blowtorch may have lit more than the wick...who cares. Anyway...over the course of an hour we lit off all the fountains and novelty small stuff and then got to the finale. We did four 6 ounce rockets that shoot up high and then have a little report with cool effects and then one double ring rocket, which goes up high and explodes in two cool colorful rings that go out wide. Then we did a repeater that had 7 shots that went high and had multi-effects too. Imagine the smaller fireworks you see at big shows...a real small version of those is what these do. Then to finish it off we did mortars. Those are a super small version of pro fireworks. The pro shows have 10-24+ inch shells that shoot off high and then make BIG effects. Mortars are like 2 inches in diameter and do a large burst in the sky. The final mortar actually malfunctioned somehow and just blew up in the tube. It turned out really cool because the tube is made to withstand the force and just pushed the burst up, so it shot like a fan up a good 50 feet. Looked neat. This show only made me love fireworks even more and look forward to my Wyoming trip next month when I can put on another good show for people. I'm sorry you all missed out. I was hoping to get someone to tape this show, but they didn't have their camcorder ready. Oh well.
That was really all that happened today. I read 30 pages in Alma, wrote a letter to a friend, did some laundry and took a nap. Yay for days off. I volunteered myself to work all next week without a day off so another supervisor could do something with family, so I'm going to have another long two weeks without a break. It's ok though, I don't have much else going on right now anyway.
Alrighty then, let's hope some exciting things happen this week.
That was really all that happened today. I read 30 pages in Alma, wrote a letter to a friend, did some laundry and took a nap. Yay for days off. I volunteered myself to work all next week without a day off so another supervisor could do something with family, so I'm going to have another long two weeks without a break. It's ok though, I don't have much else going on right now anyway.
Alrighty then, let's hope some exciting things happen this week.
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