Tuesday and a Mine Rescue

I just witnessed a really remarkable miracle live on tv. After 69 days trapped half a mile beneath the earth, the first couple weeks of which was spent in darkness, the first Chilean miner was rescued. What's most miraculous is how the rescue is being done. A skinny tube is being sent down to the mine and with close circuit video feed, bluetooth audio, oxygen and the like, the miner gets in the tube and rides for about 15 minutes through a rocky hole in the ground. It's 90 degrees in the mine and something like 30-40 at the top, so there's a steady flow of steam coming from the hole and the miners are putting on sweaters for the ride up. It's an extremely dramatic even that has had me glued to the telly since class ended early at 5:35 (it's 9:35 now). With the one miner up, they are sending another medic down to help out and they will continue sending miners up throughout the night and tomorrow until the entire process is complete. It takes about 20 minutes for the tube to get down, then a bit for it to be loaded and then 10-20 minutes for it to come back up, so each miner rescue takes almost an hour. There are some times that go slow, so I would expect this rescue to take at least the next 24 hours, but I wouldn't be surprised if after awhile they become more efficient and get it done quicker. Still, if you get a chance to watch it, I would recommend it. At least find video of it, which by now is probably on every news site everywhere. It's a really, really amazing story.

In other news, today was normal. We are learning a new tap routine which will be fun and a very good challenge for my brain. We learned a new step today and my brain really confused me. I had the step down perfect and then when we started doing it across the floor 3 at a time to help us solidify it, I completely forgot it and had to relearn it. I blame the teacher. She was telling us how easy it was for our brains to confuse this step with one that is the same sound, but different foot work. My brain, which did not even think about that before, could not stop thinking about it after and it was extremely hard to stop doing the other step and do the one we learned. It takes a lot of concentration and focus for me to learn so much new stuff. It's a challenge but I think it's good for me.

Everything went pretty good from there. Work was easy, as usual. Found out Doctor Who will be here in Utah next month to film on location in some desert. I plan on finding out where and trekking there. I know for a fact that there will be plenty of people doing the same. My writing class had only 3 people when class was supposed to start, with a 4th person coming in a few minutes late and a 5th a few minute later. With only half of our class there, we briefly reviewed some things and then ended class about 40 minutes early. That's when I turned on the live Chilean mine coverage and I haven't budged since, except for bathroom breaks and eating. Tomorrow, I have to start writing a 4 page rhetorical analysis draft for writing and study for an in class test in Music 201. Busy, busy, busy!

That's the news for today. As I type this, the second miner was just loaded into the capsule and is now on his way up.
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