Overall Good Weekend

I would like to start by getting deep and then I'll lighten things up a bit. Hopefully, if Angela sees this, she won't think I'm too boring. Today in church we had some great talks. I can't remember the context of it, I know it was about a conference talk, but I'm not sure if the quote that stuck with me was from the conference talk, from an older conference talk, if it was the speaker's admonition or what...but it was said to thank people for their influences...now I remember it was from a conference talk. It was Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's talk. I admire him greatly. He is able to say the kinds of things I can only feel in my heart. One of my greatest challenges is showing my emotions and his example helps me improve that greatly. I hope one day I too can say with as much conviction all the things in my heart that I feel so much and so deeply, but can rarely, if ever, say. Anyway, the speaker today was sharing this talk with us and said we should thank the people who have influenced and helped us. Matter of fact, when I think again, in priesthood today another person, not referring to a conference talk, also talked about thanking people for the little things. So, today I would like to do some small thanking.

I would like to thank my parents. They...well, you're reading this, so...you, mom and dad, have had more influence over me than you can imagine. Mom, thank you for being so sensitive to the spirit. Thank you for teaching me to love and be loved. Thank you for enabling me to get the education I received and for always being there, even in the late hours of the night when I had procrastinated so long. Thank you for teaching me the importance of family and always helping me do what was right, especially when I didn't want to do it. Dad, thank you for the counsels and the blessings you've given me throughout my life. Thank you for all the camp outs, the fishing trips, the special birthdays and for going out of your way to form a true and lasting father-son relationship with me. Thank you for your emails that answered my prayers. Thank you for trusting in me.

To Lance, wherever you are, thank you for being an older brother. You've been through a lot and you're dedication to finishing school and following your dreams in music inspire me. You overcame many obstacles to get things done in life and that helped me get things done in my life. To Amelia, thank you for always being an example. I know we made fun of you when you were offended by the slightest of things, but I admire you for that. Don't give up on getting married, but make sure I still get to approve your final choice. To Michael, who openly admits he never reads my blog, thank you also for serving a mission and being an example to me. Annie...Annie, Annie, Annie...Thank you for being here for me when I need your help. I know you think that the world and all it's forces are against you and that you are destined to always be cursed, but that's just not true. Read that Book of Mormon I gave you, open your heart and I promise you that your entire life will change. To Camilla, thank you for being unique. Thank you also for your singing. Last but not least in the family, thank you Angela, A.K.A Pootie Tang. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for building all those forts with me in the living room. Thank you for sitting by me during scary movies and always freaking out with me when they ended and the room got dark. (You can thank Shilo for never eating my shoes if you think she was left out.)

My friends I will thank personally later, but I am thankful for the influence of many in my ward. There are a few who have always been there to see how I was doing and to help me finally get my mission papers started.

I could go on thanking, but I'll stop there for now.

Now, let's tone down the deep stuff and recap the weekend.

Saturday was pretty good. I skipped the lost and found sale to save myself from spending money. Mike came over around noon and we set up the projector for the game. The game was great for the first half, until we fell apart and allowed 2 touchdowns, effectively ending any hope for victory. I believe that if our defense plays that well the rest of the season, as long as our offense can put up points, we will finish 6-6 and go to a bowl game. It is unlikely we will beat Utah, but, if our defense can protect passes better, we could make a close game out it. Volleyball game was awesome. It was a pink-out for breast cancer awareness. It was also a 3-0 victory that marks our 5th straight sweep, which I find very impressive. Today was good. Church was insightful and I spent the afternoon and evening relaxing. Mary came over so I could show her my missionary application and that was really nice. This will be another busy week, but I hope to accomplish a lot.

To close, I will make up some words of wisdom:

If you're going to be a pedestrian, 
at least realize that cars don't drive themselves;
they are driven by people just as stupid as you are...
Be safe...walk smart.
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