Wednesday, Thursday...and a job!

First things first, I have a new job! It went smoother and quicker than I can believe. Yesterday morning I got up at 9. I turned on the Price is Right and got on my email. I read an email from Kraft and clicked to move it to my "Kraft" folder. I accidentally put it in my "jobs" folder. I was going to check for jobs after breakfast once I was more awake, but I thought, well, maybe it's a sign for me to check now. So, I went to the campus job site and searched for jobs. One had just been posted for a position as an assistant at the vehicle rental place BYU has. It listed a number to call for an interview. Now, if you were to take a poll, I bet 95% of you would say I would either not call (because I hate calling people) or I would procrastinate calling for several hours. Well, somehow, having only been awake for 15 minutes, I went straight to the phone and called! 40 minutes later I was showered, dressed up, picking up my resume and a reference from the printer at the field house and shaking hands with my interviewer. We talked, had a good meeting and he said to call back tomorrow to see what he decided. So, today, I called him back and he said he wanted to hire me. I report at 9 AM Monday to get officially hired.  

Other than that, not much has really gone on the past couple days. Tap dance is going well. Music 201 is going well. Having taken the classes before makes it easier to remember things. I should definitely come away with good grades in tap and hopefully writing. Music 201 may be difficult just because studying the material is a pain in the boo-hiney. I still think that both Mike and I can get at least a B in there. Funny story about that. I was telling Mike that being in a class together would be helpful for me because he cares about it and wants to do well. Then I thought...crap, we're screwed. Hehehe...seriously though, I think we'll do well. My roommate is also in the class, so we can all study together.

One more class this week and a couple hours of work between today and tomorrow. Going to a women's soccer game tonight, possibly a women's volleyball game tomorrow night. Last employee party at Seven Peaks on Saturday (right during the friggin game, but I'll get radio coverage over the loudspeakers at the park). Lots going on, lots going well.
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