
I just wanted to quickly write to let you all know that I will not be finishing my story today. I know you're all anxiously anticipating it, but I thought I'd rather write it on a Monday, since Monday's are traditionally boring days. This way, we all have a little bit of a better Monday.

I do have one thing that's exciting to talk about though. I have been in the process of trying to find a good mp3 player for some time. I had decided to not get one, but with my new job where I'm alone for 4 hours each day washing cars, I thought one would be handy. I ended up getting a great deal on a 32 gig ipod touch from my manager at seven peaks. It was slightly more than I was planning on spending, but it was a good deal, so I went ahead with it. No need to worry, I am still being wise with my money and anticipate having a good amount saved up by the end of the semester. The ipod touch is amazing, by the way. The features are incredible. With a free app I downloaded to it, I can text from it for free. With wireless access I can do all sorts of things I would usually need a computer for. I can email, check movie times, watch youtube clips and so much more. I won't waste money on anything for it, but I will certainly utilize the free features of this superb piece of technology. My plan with this is to sell it to Mary when I leave. She is very, very anxious for me to go on a mission now...hehehe.
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