An Observation

Over the past several years, I have noticed something. Ever since I can remember (which isn't saying much), I have always been a little behind in things. I have often felt that maybe all those concussions as a child put my brain behind. Let me try to explain. When I say behind, I refer to my development as a human, both physically and mentally. Not everything has been like that, because being with my age group a lot, I learned the things I was "supposed" to when I was probably "supposed" to. But there have always been things that should have made sense to me that did not make sense to me until a year or so later. I don't think I'm making any sense here. I'm sure you have all had times like that, but I mean that I have felt like this my whole life. I always felt like I was running the same race as everyone else, but I was a mile behind the rest. The things seem trivial at first. My teeth did not come in when they were "supposed" to. When I was 13 and 14 I had half my teeth pulled because they were "supposed" to have fallen out and been replaced by adult teeth. I can't think of many specifics, my memory is not that good, but when I look back, that feeling of being behind was always there. When I was 19 and "supposed" to be going on a mission, I did not feel 19 and despite the health issues that I was going through, I never really felt like it was actually time for a mission. Ultimately, the point I want to make is that last night, I realized something new. I am catching up. On a time line, I'm still behind, but in the infinite perspective of things, there is no definitive time line and right now, I think I'm right where I need to be. Right where I'm "supposed" to be.

Happy Friday Everyone!
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