
Sorry I didn't get this updated last night. When I got on to do it my computer was being really slow so I just went to bed.

First, of all, HAPPY DECEMBER! I can't believe that this year has gone by so quickly. It has been truly remarkable for me.

Yesterday was a really good day compared to Monday. Work went great, I went to the devotional, which was a dance assembly a friend was in and that was awesome. After work I got enough of my paper written to turn in as a rough draft, and I did so without any writer's block. I wrote a nice poem to go along with my Christmas dinner invitations, which I will deliver today. I'll publish the invitations and the poem on here after I deliver them. I'm excited for my Christmas dinner. It's going to be on the 12th and we're going to have ham, scalloped taters, jello, some sort of veggie and then pie! It'll be fabulous and I hope to have about a dozen guests.

I think I forgot to mention  that on Sunday I saw LaVell Edwards at church!! He wasn't attending our ward, but while I was waiting to do tithing settlement, he and his wife walked down the hallway we were in. He said hello and good morning to us and it was pretty sweet. I've met him before and shook his hand once or twice but it's always cool to see a legend.

Speaking of church, I'm teaching Mission Prep this Sunday. Apparently I am in fact still a ward missionary and the other ward missionaries have been cycling through teaching and they realized I haven't taught yet, so hurray, I get to teach. I think the class will have a few more faces in it since I expect about 4-5 friends to come to my class with me. It stinks that it's fast sunday though. I wanted to bring food!

Well, that's about it for today. It snowed just a little dusting last night so everything is slick again. Work should be fun.

Song of the day- more christmas music
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