
Well, today was pretty awesome. I was in a great mood because of my major so everything seemed a little better today.

Work was a breeze and it was warm enough to shed some layers working out in the sun. I do have a hilarious story from work. I was listening to a message on the machine and I got a real kick out of this message left for my boss...and this is a direct quote: "First things first, most important thing, is we have to form a golfing support group network, so as soon as this snow's off and East Bay's open, I'm relyin' on you brother to let me know so I can go down there and I'll do the same for you..." the guy then finished with his legitimate vehicle rental business. Anyway, if you remember me talking about my boss golfing every day for hours on end, you'll understand why it's so funny. With the snow on the ground still, he goes and plays racquetball instead. I actually wish I could go with him...I've wanted to learn racquetball for a while. I know the basics, but I've never had the chance to actually play.

I'm meeting with the head of the Food Science department Monday to talk about the major and get things squared away there. I'm pretty excited about that!

I had a serious moment today. Every day this week, with snow still on the ground, some high school students have made it a daily habit to chuck big snowballs at my holiday decorations on my door. While their aim has been off and they've only hit the railing and walls, I know that it's only a matter of time before my window gets broken. Today, they were at it again. One person threw one and then a few minutes later someone else chucked one. It's been really ticking me off hearing it every day and today I was just fed up. I swung the door open and immediately saw the little high schooler with another snowball in hand. I gave what I can only describe as the most serious and threatening look I've ever given anyone, thrown in with a little intimidating arm gesture. He looked about as scared as I was angry and he dropped the snowball and walked away. I slammed the door and then I actually emailed the principal of Provo High. He forwarded the complaint onto some school personnel who will deal with it. I swear though, if I hear any more snowballs hitting my wall I'm pulling out the bottle rockets. It's soooo annoying!

The weekend is looking great. I'm really excited that classes are almost over. I still have way more work to do than I want, but, that's life.

By the way, today saw the most page views (19) and the most diverse page views in my blog's history (only 4 of those were returning visitors). I had views in Provo; Orem; the USAF Academy; California; Georgetown, Richmond, Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky; then the usual Virginia and Maryland. I'm glad for all my friends who read my big decision blog.

Back to Christmas music for the song of the day.
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