You Won't Believe This

For the past few days, I've contemplated something that is, for those of you that know me, unheard of. I thought about trimming my sideburns up. Now, now, calm down...I know, it's crazy to think that I thought that. But, it's true. For the first time since I've had them, I almost shortened them without being required to. Some may say it is a sign of maturity that I'm finally coming to my senses. Some may say I ate a bad burger or drank some tainted water. And some of you may think that the fact that we're even talking about my sideburns is ridiculous and you may stop reading because of it...No matter your reaction, the fact remains that I toyed with the idea, and was within minutes of actually doing it. I was going to go to the barber after work and get a trim and have them shorten the sides up, but I opted out at the last second and went home. I took a shower and then when I shaved, I just cleaned them up and took an inch off. They were all the way down to the bottom of the cheek, so they are still quite long, but I think I look better this way. There is no single reason for my wanting to make such a radical change, but rather many complicated reasons. I needed a change in my life, but between the rearranging of furniture and the bit of shortening I did go through with, I think I'm good and we'll see how it goes.

Anyway...I bet that was the weirdest thing you've ever read. But hey, that's what you get for reading my blog.

Today I would like to give an important shout out. My good friend from the resort this summer, Jolene, is currently dealing with the loss of a family member. We are all close with our families, but I know Jolene fairly well and I know that she has very close ties with all of her family. This day, I would ask that you all join with me in supporting Jolene and her family by thinking of them in your prayers. 

In that spirit of remembrance, I dedicate our Song of the Day to Jolene:
"I Believe" by: Diamond Rio
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