St. Nicholas Day

For those of you unfamiliar with St. Nicholas Day, here is my version of it:

In the German culture, on the evening of the 5th of December, children place a shoe out in the hopes that Sankt Nikolaus (St. Nicholas) will visit during the night. If the children have behaved well that year, Sankt Nikolaus leaves treats and gifts in their shoe. Not so well behaved children are not visited by Sankt Nikolaus, but by his companion, Knecht Ruprecht. The following morning, Sankt Nikolaus Tag (St. Nicholas Day), the children awaken and go to their shoes. The good children enjoy their gifts and treats, while the naughty children find a switch from a tree left by Knecht Ruprecht for their parents to discipline the unruly child with.

That's about all I have time to post today. Our song of the day is a classic funny Christmas tune, it's "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" sung by : Elmo and Patsy.

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