2011: The Conclusion


The move to Logan was costly and drained my bank account, making the experience of starting over from scratch complete. Things went very, very well though.

I was hired as the closing manager of Utah State University’s Aggie Marketplace. That job essentially entailed me walking around all day managing student employees and closing everything down each night. I have readily admitted that I took the position for two reasons. One, it was a well-paying job that enabled me to leave the resort, and two; it was a foot in the door to Utah State’s catering department, where I really wanted to work. They were aware of my desire to work catering, but acknowledged it may never happen. 

One week after beginning my managing job and only three days after we had officially opened the Marketplace, I was transferred to catering. The catering chef had decided to hire on another position in catering, so the chefs all met and decided to offer me that position. I, of course, accepted. 

The catering job has gone really, really well for me. I love every minute of it and I hope to continue working for Jeff and Corey (the number 1 and 2 catering chefs) until circumstances take me away from Logan. 

Outside of work, things have been alright.  I knew some people here and that has made all the difference. I have been able to hang out with many of my resort friends and continue to make new friends. This coming year will be an exciting one filled with many more great opportunities for fun. 

A lot has changed since the start of 2011 and I have changed a lot as well. 2012 will be a big year for me and I will have to make lots of big decisions. I will hit the ground running with a new apartment, finding a car loan and changing everything that goes with that, as well as determining what my plans are for the immediate future. The task is daunting, but that’s what life is all about and the beginning of the year is a great time in life.

To all of you who have continued to follow me, thanks for a great year and get ready for an even greater one.

SO LONG 2011…
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