Time Flies

I really cannot believe that it is the middle of November already. This year has just flown by. It seems like just last week I was ringing in the new year, jet skiing for my birthday, and moving to Logan. It is too early to reflect on this year, but when that day comes in a month and a bit, I certainly will have a lot to review.

Things are kind of low key this week. I'm working a good amount of hours and even picked up a few extra on my day off, but it seems kind of slow this week. There is not really a ton going on for me and I really don't have much to write about today, but tonight I just felt the need to put up a post.

There is one thing I thought about recently: my blog. I've been writing on my blog for a while now. When I started writing, I never really expected anyone other than my parents and an occasional random person who happened upon it to read it. Often, I wondered why I even had a blog. I say enough on Facebook and in calls to home for people to know I'm alive and ok. I have been timid to share my thoughts and feelings both in writing and in person, but slowly on my blog I've shared quite a bit of thoughts and feelings. The other night I was talking with a friend about my blog and she said something interesting about it. I don't remember the whole conversation, but it was about me sharing my feelings on the blog and she said that maybe the reason I share my thoughts on my blog is because I know that only the people who really care will seek out my posts and read them. I've thought a lot about why people read my posts. Why would you spend part of your day getting online and reading my blog? My blog certainly isn't any sort of life altering website and many days my posts offer nothing more than random ramblings that really don't matter. Yet, each day, friends and family in various parts of the nation tune in and read and I have developed a small, but consistent following. Here is kind of what I have concluded thus far in my thoughts of people reading my blog. I have not quite figured out why each person reads my blog. Some may want to get to know me on a deeper level, some may just want to know what I'm up to. Maybe some of you just have a strange addiction to reading blogs and since I have one, you read it. Whatever your reason, I am grateful. To see so many people reading a post, whether they tune in daily or just once in a while, gives me a feeling I can't quite describe, but it's a good one. Thank you for reading and I hope you continue to tune in. Not all my posts are weird like this one...

And our song of the day is dedicated to all of you who have ever found your way onto my blog and into my life, it's "Thank You For Being a Friend" by: Andrew Gold.
1 Response
  1. TJO Says:

    I, for one, enjoy the posts and hope you keep writing.
