My Video

Today (Wednesday) I worked only half a day. When I got home, I decided I would get my hair cut. I was growing my hair out for the winter, but when Angela and Annie said it was ugly, I decided I look better, older, smarter, and more mature with shorter hair. I asked Angela how short I should go, so after she told me, I decided to document the difference so she would be completely content with my haircut. I was just trying to get a 360 shot of my hair when I had a marvelous idea. I would make before and after videos, add music and make a complete video of the event. As I made more videos, they got more and more ridiculous. I instantly knew the song I needed for the video. So, I went and got my haircut, then hurried home to finish my video. I took more outrageous video, downloaded the song, and got to work editing. I spent about 15 minutes each shooting before and after video, then about 3 hours editing. I used Microsoft Movie Maker, which had a few problems I had to overcome, but in the end I am completely content with the video. I intended for it to be funny, but I gotta admit, it turned out much funnier than I expected. I can't stop laughing about it. I'm sure most of you reading this have already seen it, but if you have not or just want to watch again, here it is!

That's really all I have for today (besides Real Salt Lake advancing to the Western Conference Finals!)
Leave a comment on the video either here or on Facebook! 
Hope you enjoyed it.

And there can only be one song of the day. It's "Yakety Sax" by Boots Randolph.
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