Busy Thursday

The big news today is that Jerry Sloan resigned as head coach for the Utah Jazz. It is not surprising that he is finally leaving, but the fact that it is mid-season does surprise me. I watched the news conference where he and his long-time assistant Phil Johnson resigned and he said it was his choice, no one forced him out and he refuses to blame it on anyone or anything other than the fact that he feels it is the right time. It will be odd watching the Jazz without Sloan on the sidelines. He's been there since before I was born.

I went to the doctor today to complete my mission physical. Everything went great. I am proud to report also that my vision is better than ever. Individually, my eyes are 20/15. But together, they are 20/13. And that's with tired eyes. I'm just shy of having the highest of 20/10. But that's ok, if my eyes were that perfect, I wouldn't have any faults.

All that remains is turning my dentist and doctor paperwork to my bishop, uploading some documents, and then the most difficult thing (besides the dental work and shots I have to get), I'll have to trim my sideburns to halfway up my ear for a picture. LAME!! Thankfully, my sideburns grow faster than a magical bean, so they'll be back down where they belong in a week. Halfway up the ear ain't so bad though since everyone told me they had to be non-existent. That was so untrue. The guidelines specifically state they can go halfway down the ear. I will not be parting my hair though. This hair is not the Red Sea.

I admit I have made some poor financial decisions in life, but, thankfully I usually get a second chance at living within my means. This year's second chance comes from a plethora of sources. My state return of $127 came today along with a $330 reimbursement for tuition from dropping a course. Tomorrow, my $1500 federal return and $275 paycheck will be direct deposited. Deduct tithing and eliminating debt to the bank (mostly incurred for educational purposes), and I should be able to pay off almost half of my loan for tuition. That will alleviate a good deal of stress.

A spot of random news. Utah is legalizing "cake" fireworks, so not all of my stash will be illegal anymore...most will still be, but not all. Regardless, we have to find occasion to get a caravan an hour and a half up the road to Wyoming before the end of April so I can get rid of the 3 boxes still under my bed. I can't take them to Zion with me and I'm certainly not going to just trot down to the police station and turn them over. What kind of person do you think I am??

Anyway, life is good. The future is bright. The Kenny G is on (if your speakers are on).

Oh, and a comment element has been added to the right side again. Go ahead. Use it.
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