
To say today's weather was crazy would be a huge understatement. Today's weather was phenomenally wicked gnarly weird. We had sunshine, cloudiness, cold, warmth, snow, sunshine, clouds, snow, cold, warmth, sunshine with snow, more cold, wind... I can't even describe how odd it was. It was cold enough for snow to fall, but warm enough it would melt on contact with the ground. I think in all about 3 little storm fronts moved through today, each one changing the weather a bit. I thought it was fascinating, albeit strange. At times it felt like a weird spring storms, but at others it felt like an early winter storm. So interesting.

I am thoroughly enjoying my classes this semester. Nutrition has been so much fun for me. I love the information and it's never hard to do the homework and study for tests. I look forward to them. Public speaking is also just phenomenal. I have learned so much and have developed my speaking abilities so much and I can't wait to speak in church or anywhere else so I can utilize all I've learned in a speech outside of class. I'm kind of sad that my classes are ending, but my education certainly will not end this year when the semester ends. I will learn so much this summer too and I'm way excited for that. This year is turning out to be the best I can remember and it's just getting started. If everything goes as it should, I'll end the year either in the MTC or about to go into the MTC, where my education will reach even further and deeper. What a year this will be.

Today I wanted to share a couple things that I've been thinking about this week. The first has to do with "cleanliness is next to godliness." Over the past semester, I've worked hard to keep my apartment in good order. Dishes, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, keeping things organized, throwing out clutter, and other things like that. As I have done this, I have noticed a huge change in myself. When my room gets cluttered with dirty laundry, trash, and all the other stuff I have, I change. I become lazy in all my daily activities. I get stressed quickly. My temper shortens and my mood turns sour. When my room is not clean, I stop cleaning everything and in a day or sometimes even less, dishes pile up, counters are covered in crumbs and stickiness, and the entire apartment gives off a very negative feeling. I find myself late to class or sleeping through class. I eat less healthy. Ultimately, I lose the spirit quickly. Those times are not good. I can usually only stand to live like that for a couple days before my conscious puts up a red flag and I set aside an afternoon to clean things up. As soon as things are clean and in order again, the stress is gone. I feel a load removed from me. My mood sweetens again and my tolerance and patience levels increase. The spirit is again welcome in both the apartment and in me. I encourage everyone to keep your home clean. You may be doing everything else perfectly, but I promise you the spirit cannot and will not dwell in a dirty and cluttered home.

The second thing I have been thinking about is my life. As we all do, I sometimes wonder what amazing and different things I've done in life. I hear of people traveling the world and doing so many cool and inspiring things. So, recently I began thinking of all the things I have done. I just wanted to share a few. I have experienced the people and the culture of Germany. Enrolled in what I believe to be the best schools I could have attended, I took many mind blowing field trips. I visited museums, zoos, american safaris, omni theaters, the Grassy Knoll, NASA Mission Control in Houston, the city of Atlanta, Georgia, and many other great places many people don't get to see. I've hiked the Appalachian Trail, white water rafted, seen the Grand Canyon, visited Yellowstone, hiked Zion, prepared meals for prophets, apostles, foreign dignitaries, politicians, millionaires, movie directors, producers, actors, and musicians. I witnessed tragedy as the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated directly over my head one fateful day. More importantly, I've traveled across the country with my family, visiting church history sites and national landmarks. I have camped all over the South with my father and brothers. I have walked on frozen lakes with family and friends. I once danced Pilates down the stairs of my bachelor's pad in front of my mother and sister. I sat in the San Antonio Temple with my eternal family as it was dedicated. I danced before the prophet with my brothers and sisters. I walked down Parley Street in single digit weather with my little sister. This summer I have the honor and privilege of catering a sister's wedding. I could go on and on. The point is, my life has been blessed and is every bit as exciting and amazing as any world traveler. No. It's even more exciting and amazing.

Enjoy the song of the day. It's a good one.
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