October Already

Man, life has flown by so quickly lately. It seems like it was just yesterday I took the big step to move from the security of my Provo life to the uncharted waters of true independence. Now a year and a half later, here I am in North Logan, completely amazed at all that has happened.

The wonders of this life never cease to amaze me. In the year and a half since I left Provo I have learned so much, experienced amazing things, and been blessed beyond measure.

Today, I want to dedicate this post to everyone I have met since moving from Provo. There are far too many to list, but there are a few who's impact deserves sharing with you all.

Taylor Smith from Zion Ponderosa. Life is always an adventure with Taylor and the friendship we have is great. I am always intrigued to hear what new things she has done and even now I am waiting to hear her report on her latest adventure working in the Cedar City area this summer.

Katie Kapp. I am not a hugger as pretty much everyone knows, but Katie has somehow broken past my wall and has the unique privilege of giving me a hug every now and again. You could say that she hugs me on behalf of everyone else. But, Katie is an excellent person who cares about people and I am glad to be counted amongst her friends.

Myles Hopkins. I find it really funny that Myles and I are such good friends. Myles hated me when I started here. So much so that you can actually credit him with me being moved to my current job in catering. But, as time went on, we became friends. Now we are roommates. I feel kind of like we were meant to be brothers. We grew up watching the same old-timey shows and listening to the same music. Our interests are very similar and even the family loves seeing him on Skype each week.

Corey Cozzens. He doesn't know it, but he has been a mentor to me, both in work and in personal life. Sometimes, I wish he didn't work in food though, because I think he has far too much potential and the kitchen life is a brutal one that can rob a man of his destiny. But he loves what he does and I can't argue with that.

Cami Nicole Bodily. I mentioned Cami in a recent post, but I cannot say enough good things about her. I wish that everyone could meet Cami and just spend a day around her. Only then would you be able to better understand why she is such an important person to me. I could try all day to say what I feel in my heart about Cami, but the words would still fall flat.

To all of you who I have met and who have helped make a difference in my life and who have allowed me to make a difference in yours over the past eighteen months, thank you. I want you all to know that I fall to my knees every night and call upon the powers of heaven to grant you the blessings you need in your lives.

Thanks again for being my friend.
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