April Fools!

I love April Fool's Day. The newspaper has a good prank, everyone gets engaged on Facebook, and this year, we had the best weather day of the year, which, funny enough, is kind of a prank, because tomorrow the winds will blow and by Sunday morning, it'll be raining and snowing again. Everyone complains about cold days and snowstorms when "it should be spring!" But, I welcome those storms. The day the storms stop and it's sunny and warm every day is the day that the cool spring ends and the hot, hot summer begins.

Today was really a phenomenal day though (and it's not even over yet). The low was 47 and the high should peak around 65 or higher. I busted out the shorts and t-shirt and walked to work. It was perfectly chilly. The temperature where you don't need to wear a jacket in the morning and have to lug it around on your shoulder the rest of the day. Work was a breeze. This week has been average and fairly slow. We had 2 trucks scheduled by the Provo Temple to go up to the Ogden Temple, which is closing for a MAJOR renovation, to pick some stuff up and bring it to Provo. So we spent the day making the old trucks shine. It took a good few hours and when they were done we felt proud. When people talk about the Ogden Temple renovation, we will tell them we helped with that (even though we have no clue what they are picking up in the trucks).

In a couple hours, I'm heading down to my resort with Annie. I'll meet with the chef, do some hiring paperwork and in the morning they want me to work in the kitchen to get an idea of what I'll be running when I go down at the end of this month (HOLY COW, IT'S APRIL!). We'll enjoy the resort and warm southern weather and then come back up Sunday. No worries though, I will be catching up on conference when I get back.

Today really was great. The weather invigorated everyone. On my way home from work, I saw about 100 times more people than I usually do walking home on a Friday. There were people on the grass studying, people on the grass sleeping, people out walking, people out running, a group of dancers practicing dance, a yoga group stretching, people talking, and most pleasantly surprising, everyone was smiling. There was a real energy to campus this afternoon. It was refreshing because the weather isn't the only thing that turns cold in winter. The residents here do too.

Enjoy the songs today.
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