Concerning Music

Anyone who knows me very well probably knows that I listen to all different kinds of music. Today, I wanted to try to explain what music I like, what music means to me, and hopefully convince people that I do, in fact, listen to what people tell me is "normal music", because many people tell me my music taste sucks.

First and foremost, music is a HUGE part of life for me, whether I am listening to it or making it. Music can cheer me up, music can pump me up, music can calm me down, music can help me through a hard time, music can draw me nearer to God, music can help me express myself, and so much more.

I don't think I really have a favorite genre of music. I grew up listening to the oldies, but there are many new songs I love just as much. I enjoy listening to pop songs as much as I do songs of the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. One thing I have noticed in my musical taste is that almost always, I prefer songs with meaning, and usually I play more mellow songs. It just depends on my mood that day. Some days, I'll enjoy listening to a song, but the next day, I'll turn it off when it comes on. I can say that I dislike screamo punk music and the heavier the metal, the less listening time it gets. Rap is not music and therefore will not even be discussed. Country is complicated. There are several country songs I really like, but as a whole, most of it don't make no sense. I really don't care how big your truck is, you don't have to sing about it. Hip-hop is alright most of the time, but if you have to throw a cuss word out every other line, you are missing the point of music. I feel that music is for expression and if all you can express is negativity or crudeness, the world has little use for it. That brings up an interesting point actually. Profanity.

I admit that working in a kitchen for so long, I swear more than I should and more than I would like. It's something I work on. But, I find it kind of funny that we as a society have labeled profanity as a bad thing and we recognize it as unprofessional, yet we accept it as the normal everywhere in media. I mean, look at the root of the word, profane, which literally means vulgar. All these rap artists go out and speak rhythmically to a beat (hehe, that's a sophisticated way to say "rap") about all kinds of crude, vulgar, and essentially stupid things, then they talk about world peace and solving the problems in America. The core of the problems both here and around the world is that we have stopped living with values. I'm sorry, but you can't do both. You can't contribute to the downfall with the vulgar lifestyle and try to fix the problems in the world which are created by the very same lifestyles. Anyway...I got off track.

That is why I prefer mellow music and music with meaning. When you are singing about something good, people feel good. I don't recall a time ever listening to "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" while planning to go fight someone.

Anyway, the gist of what I am saying is that I love to listen to music. What I have on my iPod may be a lot of stuff most people don't have, but most of what I have either came from our old computer growing up or from friends, and I certainly don't only like the music I have, I love listening to other people's music, it is just too huge of a task trying to go through tens of thousands of songs and sort them out. It is far easier to just listen to them and hit skip when needed.

As for playing music, I am not a great pianist by any stretch of the imagination, but I cannot describe how soothing and relaxing playing can be sometimes. There is just something about it that calms me from the inside out. Those days when I feel like I have a knot inside me from all that's going on, I sit at my piano and I play it out of me.

I believe in the power of music. Life would be a dreary and depressing place without it.

And for our Songs of the Day, I have included a few different songs from different genres that I enjoy. The first is a great not stupid country song, "Love Me" by Collin Raye. Next is "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus. Third, "Father and Son" by Cat Stevens. And we'll top it off with the king, "Falling in Love With You" by Elvis.

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