
I think half the reason I stopped posting on here was because I was upset that stopped supporting playlists on blogs. They revamped their website and with the changes, I got a message on my blog simply stating that playback was only available at I tried to get music back, but to no avail. Recently, however, I had important things to share, so I began looking again for an outlet for the Song of the Day. This time, I found it, and lo and behold, both the posts and the music are back!!

It has been a busy summer with lots of work and lots of play. As the summer winds down, there is still a long list of things for us to do before we transition into our fall plans. Our summer to-do list includes going to Bear Lake, going to Lagoon, more sports, and a couple end of year bashes, including a Pyro Fest in Wyoming! Tonight, we are having an outdoor movie and at the end of the week we are going up for a cook-out at a little lake in Idaho.

Anywho, the blog is back, the music too, so thanks for coming back to read and I hope you keep following as I deliver News from the Colonel: Life in Logan.

Song of the Day is Thin Lizzy singing "The Boys are Back in Town."
1 Response
  1. Mumsie Says:

    can't hear the music
