New Stuff

I am excited to announce a few changes to the blog today.

First, on the left side. On the left column, I added a visitor counter. This one has the total number of visits since I started my blog. I renamed the other stat tracker and it will be a monthly tracker. Each month, I will reset it and title it according to the month so I and everyone else can see how many people visit each month.

The middle also saw changes, but with my template, some of these may or may not show on your screen. I reconfigured the posting settings so you hopefully will see the time of each post as well as the date. I also added links to email the post or share it via social media. Those are not showing on my screen, but maybe they will on yours. I thought this would be handy if anyone read something they wanted to share with someone. If it works, now all you have to do is click a button. Lastly, in the center column, I have it set to show the 25 most recent posts. As always though, you can click the links on the left to go back to any post in the past.

The right column also got some additions. First, a better method to follow my blog. You can now receive updates to your email by simply typing your email into the "Follow by Email" box. I would encourage anyone who likes reading all my posts to sign your email up. Each time I post, you will be notified so you won't miss a thing. In addition to the new "Follow by Email" box, you will now find the top 10 most read posts. This does not have much value now, but is nice to see and in the future may matter.

Lastly, the blog happily welcomes a new follower. Cami Bodily is our newest official follower. If you count me, that makes 12, but technically the blog now has 11 formal followers. Thank you Cami for following and again, thank you everyone else for your continued support. As is the tradition, today, our song of the day is dedicated to our new follower. Since you made fun of me when this song came on randomly on a Pandora station at work many months ago, Cami, this one is for you. It's "Jar of Hearts" by: Christina Perri. And you now know I really do play it on the piano.

Happy Friday everyone!
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