Posting Again

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I've been quite aware of my lack of recent posting. Most days I even thought about writing on here, but I have lacked the motivation to do so. I kind of felt like I had nothing good to talk about. Mostly that was brought on because the last couple weeks have been stressful and my sleeping habits have been all out of whack, which has led me to be cranky and tired and just not in a very blogging mood.

This week I hope to break that. It is Spring Break here, and while I will still be doing a good bit of working, I intend to relax a bit and reboot.

The weather has been absolutely wonderful and will stay that way for a bit.  I hope to be able to go out and enjoy it. Go for a walk, stuff like that. Today, (Monday), I'm getting some repairs done on my car. That is kind of important. No, it is very important. Hopefully this week we can get the car loan out of Annie's name and into my parents, then get the insurance changed and cheaper. If I'm lucky I'll be able to sell it too and get something cheaper.

Things are going good. As you can see there isn't too much new to report. As usual, I'm doing a good job of living an uneventful life :)

Song of the Day is in honor of the great weather. It's "Mr. Blue Sky" by: Electric Light Orchestra.
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