The Week, Weekend, and Memorial Day

What a ridiculously fantastic week it has been. I cannot remember a week where I did more (aside from when I was home vacationing). The week was such a whirlwind of awesome I am not sure I could even recount everything. I will do my best to point out the highlights.

As I mentioned in the previous post, Monday we had a great night at FHE and then at Sonic. Now, I feel the need to point out that part of why I am so confused about all that went on this week is because from Monday on, I literally thought every day was Friday. That threw me off so much that when Friday finally came around, I thought it was Saturday. I can tell you that due to this re-occurring discombobulation, I had several disappointing moments during the week, as I realized it was only Tuesday, then Wednesday, Thursday, and even Friday.

I am stalling as I try to remember the days I did things...though it just occurred to me that this is a blog and I do not need to, let's just forget the days and focus on the activities.

We went shooting this week. I got off work around 7 pm one day and we drove into the mountains, found a good secluded area with a good hill, and proceeded to shoot cans and targets. It was a nice, cool evening and though there was cloud cover, we had enough light to continue shooting through 9 pm. We are already trying to plan another shooting excursion.

We also went to Wyoming this week. As is customary with me, we drove to the border to stock up on fireworks for the coming holidays. As is also customary with me, we got ridiculously good deals. I deemed this the best week to go because there were 3 great coupons for the week. One got us a nice $200 mortar kit for $80. Another got us a $40 200-gram repeater for $10. The other got us $140 of free, bonus 500-gram repeater and reloadables for spending at least $159. We also used a year-round coupon where we get a $60 item for driving at least a certain distance to the showroom and purchasing at least $25 in gas to get there. I spent $50 on gas and got a $60 item, which makes me happy. All in all, we left with nearly $830 of merchandise for a grand total of $268.71. A very successful trip!!!

Scatterball at the church Thursday was also a blast. There are lots of rules, but essentially, it is an every man for himself version of dodgeball. I managed to win one round, and in dramatic fashion too, so it was a good night for me.

Saturday, we prepared for the summer. After a couple early hours of work, I drove over to a co-worker's father's house for firewood. They are clearing out a huge swath (yes, I used the word swath) of land, and the whole area is wooded. Thus, there is a near endless supply of wood being cut up right now. I went and helped remove some wood, taking a fair amount of dry wood and some more freshly cut for bonfires this summer. We plan on going back for another load or two this week. In addition to bonfires, we have a little patio out back and Aaron and I have been wanting to find a decent fire bowl so we could have small fires with friends without having to drive into the mountains. Myles was not sold on the idea, so he and I went to Lowes and Home Depot to look at them and try to convince him. At Home Depot, we found a winner that sold us all instantly. It is a fire pit grill, which includes a rotisserie, grill, and small suspended grill. The ability to use this as a fire pit or as a cooking grill made it a must have for us. However, since we just spent our monthly spending allowance on fireworks, this grill will have to wait a bit. Here is a link if you wanted to check it out: 

Saturday, there was also a big sale going on at the local sporting goods store, so we stopped in for a look. I was actually driving home with the wood load when I heard them talking about the sale on the radio. I was not interested in going until they mentioned croquet sets on sale. I love croquet and I love bocce ball, so I made a quick turn. A few minutes later, our list of summer things to do included playing croquet and/or bocce ball. We got an advanced croquet set and intermediate bocce ball set for a good price that I could not even beat online. 

Right now it is Sunday evening. This morning we went to church, then Aaron went home and Myles and I sat down to the epic 4-hour Civil War movie Gettysburg. We have both seen it before, but since I was recently at the Gettysburg Battlefield in Pennsylvania, I wanted to watch it again. Combining my recent experiences at the battlefield, this Memorial Day weekend, and my unwavering patriotism, this was perhaps the most moved I have been watching a movie. My goodness, I cannot describe how I felt while watching today. The music, the fighting, the pride, the stories, the significance; just the sheer majesty of the movie was invigorating. 

On the subject of soldiers fighting for what they believe in, I would now like to turn the focus to Memorial Day. While most of us have the day off, I hope we will stop and pay tribute to the real purpose of the holiday. It is not National BBQ Day, it is a day of remembrance. After the Civil War, Decoration Day was declared as a day to remember fallen Union soldiers. (The Confederates also had days of remembrance, though they varied by region.) That turned into Memorial Day, a day to honor all soldiers who died serving in the United States Armed Forces. It was traditionally on May 30th, until Congress moved it to the last Monday of May.

Today, I dedicate this memorial and our Songs of the Day, "Men of Honor" from Gettysburg and "Hymn to the Fallen" from Saving Private Ryan, to the men and women who have given their lives for the freedoms we enjoy. Let us not take those freedoms lightly, for they are paid for by the blood of the selfless heroes...

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