
I have a countdown on my phone for when Lexi comes home from Alaska. I'll admit it makes me excited, and also nervous, but ultimately it makes me motivated. I have spent the past 4 months working hard to make positive changes in my life so when she returned, I could be a better person. The countdown reminds me of what I am working towards.

Today also marks 100 days until Christmas. I was made aware of this milestone over the weekend and I am now hosting a friend's 100 Days 'Til Christmas Party. Some may say it is dumb, ridiculous, and they refuse to acknowledge Christmas until December or even Christmas morning, but, the thought of it coming ever closer and so many people coming together in special ways that Christmas brings is exciting and reminds me that the Christmas spirit is not reserved for one month a year, but could do wonders if we exercised it all the year long.

There are numerous other countdowns going on in so many lives. Some are counting down until a birthday, a new child, a trip or vacation, a paycheck, and some of you are even counting down the 857 days until a new president is inaugurated, but whatever it is you are counting down, do not sit and stare at the timer as time slowly ticks off. Use that countdown as a motivator; set a goal and achieve it. Every moment we have is a chance to become better and to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. Do not procrastinate, you never know when the countdown of your life reads 1.

Song of the day is "Chariots of Fire"  by: Vangelis...wicked motivational!

Amazon Prime and Comcast

I have been using Amazon Prime for a couple years now. The free two-day shipping option is amazing and often I can get one-day shipping for under $5. The instant video collection is also decent enough to keep me occupied a couple nights a month. All in all, it is well worth the cost for me, so long as things continue smoothly. Up until now, I have never had a problem. However, tonight, I wanted to throw on a flick while I packed to leave for a week-long job down at the Zion Ponderosa Resort. I found a movie, clicked the "Watch Now" button, and my computer started wigging out. This may actually be attributed to the trailer I was watching on a different tab, which was apparently slow in closing out. All I know is things went weird, crashed, and then it said I had purchased the movie for $9.99. I thought, "Hmm, maybe it was a glitch, I have Prime, why would it say purchase, must have something to do with it wigging out." So, I watched the movie. Then I looked into it and found I was charged $9.99 and I now owned the film. I don't buy movies! We all know this! I spent a little while looking for how to get a refund on it, but there is not really a page devoted to returning digital movie purchases, I mean, really, how would you even return one? You can't package it up and mail it. Anyway, I finally went to contact them and got on chat and my world changed. See, earlier today I went over to the Comcast Xfinity office. Back at the end of June our internet kept going out and through the 1st week of July it was out again. We had tried to get a technician call but could not get one in a timely manner. Finally, all the negative feelings from our service overtook me and I unplugged everything, brokered a great deal on internet only from Century Link, and I took the Comcast stuff to the local Comcast office. You would think if I unplug everything and ask to cancel the service, a service I am not under ANY contract for, I could be done with it. OH NO! NAY NAY! Not with Comcast. They must have some kind of internal goal to perpetually suck at customer service. I had called in three times prior to my negative feelings overtaking me trying to downgrade my services, but they either insisted I was getting the best deal possible and stuck to that line until I finally hung up, or they quoted me at obnoxiously high prices for the internet only that I wanted, which I knew was cheaper but I was curious how many different prices they would say. So, I go to the office, where the nice ladies are more helpful, I think because they cannot hide behind a phone and stick to the company's perpetually sucky customer service mantras. They have to face people, so you better believe they do more to help you, because if they don't, you know where they are. Anyway, the nice lady helped me cancel the service effective immediately, but the system would take longer to close it out officially. Yes, even she had to deal with the perpetually sucky customer service system. She printed me out proof of it all and wrote notes so we would know if something happened what I was supposed to pay for my final bill. A week later, I got a call from her saying the system had for some reason reactivated my account and I would have to call the perpetually sucky phone number to resolve it. The gentleman on there was somewhat helpful after I recanted all that happened in a somewhat frustrated voice (I was on my way to the airport to go to Alaska). He said he would re-cancel it all out and make sure it was dated the 8th of July, not the 15th. Fast forward with me- I would later receive a bill for $1500 I knew was wrong, then what said was my final actual bill, which was for $115, about $75 over what the nice lady assured me I would have to pay. So, I go in again to the office, wait in a line of 9 people ahead of me (a line that never shrank so many people kept coming in). I talked to the other nice lady and she explained the cancellation was still dated the 15th (big shocker), and a $50 fee was charged for the service call we had, which they finally managed to come AFTER the initial cancellation but before the service finally ended. I had a service protection plan and they assured me more than once before they came it would be free. Thankfully, the nice lady removed that charge, and finally after a month and a half, my bill was the $41 it was supposed to be, but, it would be too easy for it to end there. The perpetually sucky system takes a week to process that, so I now have to return in another week to pay. Time elapsed: 57 days and counting to cancel an account.

Now remember with me back to the movie incident on Amazon. Clicked "watch now", it purchased it for $9.99. I got on chat and this is a direct quote of what happened:

Initial Question: I recently used my prime account to watch a free instant video movie, however, when I clicked watch now, it said it was loading the page for a while, then after some technical difficulty and a restart, it stated I had purchased the movie. I very clearly clicked the watch now, there is no reason to purchase a movie that I can watch free with my prime account.
11:15 PM PDT Naren(Amazon): Hello, my name is Naren. I'll certainly try to help regarding your concern.
Are you referring to the video "In & Out" ?
11:15 PM PDT Jon Meier:
11:16 PM PDT Naren(Amazon):
I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.
I have issued a refund for the order. A refund in the amount of $9.99 would be back into your card within 2-3 business days. The video will be removed from Your Video Library as a part of the refund process.

I PAUSED 30 seconds I was so taken back by how instant the resolve was I actually did not know what to do or say

11:16 PM PDT
Jon Meier: Thank you, I appreciate that.
11:16 PM PDT Naren(Amazon):
You're welcome.
11:17 PM PDT Naren(Amazon):
Is there anything else that I may assist you with today?
11:17 PM PDT Jon Meier:
No, that was all.
11:17 PM PDT Naren(Amazon):
Thank you for contacting Amazon, have a great evening!!! :-)

COMAST- TAKE NOTE! My entire issue was resolved in barely 120 seconds, a quarter of which was me completely baffled at the instantaneous resolution of my problem.  
57 days and counting Comcast!

Song of the day is for you Comcast. "I Will Wait" by Mumford and Sons...but I ain't waiting by choice. 
