Weekend, Monday and a Day Off Coming

Happy Birthday Angela!

Happy Birthday to my favorite little sister Angela, aka Pootie Tang!!! Enjoy your amazing present from your amazing brother! Sorry I can't be there to celebrate and I'll miss you at Christmas too!

It has been a good couple days since my last update. We ended up getting around 3 inches of snow Friday night and Saturday morning, most of which melted off in a solid afternoon of sunshine Saturday. After that, we got a couple snow showers, including Monday morning, when there was a light cover of snow. Now it's all moved on and things will get a teeny bit warmer as the week moves forward.

Monday I did another served lunch at work. This one was cool. I served Craig Jessup, former director of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and current dean of the college of the arts at USU. He had a special lunch with some guests. It was him, his wife, the USU president's wife, and then the others we aren't positive on, but one was either Mack Wilberg or Mr. Mac of Mr. Mac's suit stores. Anyway, it was a fun little lunch to serve and I enjoyed eavesdropping as they told stories of traveling with the choir.

I'm off today (Tuesday) and will be heading out fly fishing with my roommate. After that I'll run some errands, do some laundry, get some rest. The rest of the week is plenty busy.

I'll let you all know how fly fishing goes. I'm way excited!

There are two songs of the day. The first is a great birthday song I thought my sister would like. She is very non-sentimental like me, so she should appreciate this non-traditional happy birthday song. The second song is the hymn of nature. It's "All Creatures of Our God and King".
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