Wisdom Teeth

My day at the dentist was possibly the easiest I've ever had. Just like last week, I never felt any pain, even when they numbed me. Last week I may have felt a really small pinch, but no pain. This week when they numbed me up, I never even knew they were sticking me with a needle, and they unleashed 4 large syringes full in my gums and cheeks. Though I credit some of this with the gel stuff they rub on before, I think the lack of pain came straight from heaven.

After letting the local anesthetic work it's magic for about 20 minutes, the dentist came back to extract my teeth. Another dentist hovered over and watched so he could learn more about soft tissue extraction. The next part went so quick I couldn't believe it. He said I would feel pressure but no pain, then a quick cut here, a quick cut there, then he grabbed his pliers, grabbed the tooth and shazam, it was out. Time elapsed? A minute at most. The right tooth was similar. It took a few minutes though because he felt a piece of a bone or something after the tooth was out he wanted to remove so it wouldn't get closed in and infect anything. The total time elapsed was maybe 5 minutes. They put gauze in, gave me instructions on how to recover properly, gave me my teeth, gave me a printout of the cost and I was on my way. I went and picked up a prescription for painkillers (just in case) and some pebble ice and that was it. I iced my cheeks for the first couple hours after being home, but there wasn't much swelling. The right side, since he did some digging and irritated it a bit, got a little swollen for a bit. As far as I could tell, the left may have got a teensy bit swollen, but really, there was minimal swelling and it has been gone for hours. I really don't think the removal of my wisdom teeth could have gone any better. No problems. So far, no complications. I'm taking it easy and not going into work tomorrow. I expect that, though I will continue to follow the care instructions through the next week or two, by Friday, I will be in very good shape, which is great because Iron Chef is Friday and after our planning meeting I went to today, it's looking like we are going to do great at that.

BYU plays in the MWC tournament tomorrow. GO COUGS!
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