What Wisdom I Have

As you should all know, by the time most of you read this in the morning, I will have my wisdom teeth removed, and with that, what wisdom I have acquired. Thus, before it is stripped from me, I must impart my wisdom and observations of life to the world. Here is what I got:

  • When you find yourself in times of trouble...let it be.
  • Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in your fruit salad.
  • Don't spit...or pee...into the wind.
  • Don't eat yellow snow.
  • We should all stop procrastinating...tomorrow.
  • You never learn anything by doing it right.
  • It is much easier to get forgiveness than permission.
  • A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.
  • That piece of junk you've had for years that you just threw away...yeah, you'll find you need it in 2 weeks.
  • One thing I haven't figured out is how there can be self-help "groups"...
  • If swimming is so good for your figure, what happened to the whales?
  • When in trouble, always ask, WWJD? What Would Jimmer Do?
  • If Jimmer swishes a 3 in the woods and no one sees it...
  • Life is what happens to you while you're making other plans.
  • A carelessly planned project will take three times longer to complete than expected; a carefully planned project will take only twice as long.

There are a few others stuck in my head. I guess you'll never get to hear them.

Anyway, I'm not too stoked for the actual procedure, but I am a little excited to get some prescription painkillers...just kidding...just kidding...though in all seriousness, I am glad I will have something real to help with the pain. I need a speedy recovery. Iron Chef is Friday!

The songs of the day are suitable for today's dental occasion.
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