
Right now I have a spare moment. After this, I likely will not have a spare moment until Monday. Today is the Utah basketball game so I'll be in line for several hours, then the game happens, then I have to run errands to the grocery store and then we'll likely be having a movie night. Tomorrow, immediately after church I am making authentic red velvet cupcakes with decadent homemade cream cheese frosting for tomorrow's dinner's dessert. Then I have to make lasagna cupcakes for dinner. I'm having a few new faces over to my apartment- my old freshman roommate and a guy in the ward who has been interested in becoming better acquainted with me ever since he saw the table all set up for the Christmas Dinner. He's been in the ward a while but we never  hang out or anything, so since at break the fast we were talking about the duck dinner and this week's lasagna cupcakes and he was interested, I invited him. Unfortunately, the Cougarettes who were also invited can't come this week.

I gotta get going or I won't get a half decent seat at the game, so I'll sign off by sharing a new favorite youtube video on Jimmer Fredette:

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