
I was excited to change my blog up this year, but to be honest, as much as I love reading the news and following what's going on around the world, it's not as fulfilling to me to blog about it. Anyone who knows me knows I am very opinionated. I almost always have something to say and if I don't understand something enough to have a strong opinion, I go and research it until I do. So it is interesting to me that I am not finding satisfaction with sharing my thoughts on things like the crisis in Egypt. What I have noticed though, is that blogging about the daily things strengthens me. I can't really explain it, but I know that I don't get as stressed when I blog about stressful occasions. Writing about things provides a medium I think I need right now. I can share excitement about something, which provides just enough release of excitement that I don't wriggle all night and lose sleep. I'm rambling trying to describe it, but ultimately what I'm trying to say is that I enjoy sharing my life, my ups and downs, my triumphs and failures.

I would like to comment on the crisis in Egypt though. Today I watched as thousands of people were gathered in the streets with the intent of violence. For a solid half hour as I ate my breakfast, I witnessed dozens upon dozens of crude molotov cocktails being thrown at the opposing crowd. I thought it was a terrifying thing that these people were so puffed up in their opinions that they were attacking innocent people and hurling flaming bottles at each other. I wondered how someone could be in that crowd and not realize that, when these flaming bottles were hitting all around and death seemed like a very real possibility, maybe being there was not such a good idea. But if they are willing to die for their cause, that's their deal.

So, from now on I'll be posting frequently again, sharing the highlights or lowlights of my day, with the intent that I can continue to grow and maybe you can grow the very least, you can be entertained for a few minutes each day.
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