Thursday (October 7th)

Well, today began ok. I was totally prepared for my tap dance test. I had the routine down and I had no worries. But, I always forget that not everything goes according to plan. We test in groups of 3. I had 2 people I thought would be great. Unfortunately, one of them began speeding up, which caused the other to speed up, which left me behind but trying to stay with the music. I had to kind of stop and just follow them for a few beats before we hit a good point to jump back on track. I really hope that doesn't hurt my grade too much. I wasn't the one who sped up, but in a group, that doesn't matter and I don't think the teacher can really determine who it was that sped up...oh well. I'm not concerned.

Work went fine. It was another gorgeous day and I just went right to it getting cars prepped. Speaking of the weather, it really is unbelievably awesome. The peaks of a few mountains are lightly covered in snow, just enough snow to look inspiring, but not enough to make you worry for winter. With the mountains in full sunlight backdropped by storms moving in, the sunset this evening was breathtaking. Tomorrow should be similar and then Saturday will be sunny with a high of 65 and low of 44. Perfect football weather...if our team decides to play football.

I heard a somewhat funny thing today. My classmates were talking about slow movies and someone said something like "It's a slow movie and it doesn't really pick up until the climax." To me that was kind of funny because that's kind of what the climax is supposed to be. Movies today do start pretty quickly compared to older ones (which is what they were talking about), but they are supposed to build up to the climax, so I chuckled when they said that.

Tomorrow is Friday. I have no plans. I may go hike the Y with some friends and random people...we'll see.
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