Election Promise

I have a lot of more serious things I've wanted to say on here, but with it being election week, I want to have a little fun first and I will post the more serious stuff after the dust settles.

This evening, somewhat out of the blue, I sat up from where I was laying and announced to my roommates and a couple other folks who were present that if Mitt Romney was elected president, I would let my sideburns grow until the inauguration. For those who are unaware, I have had sideburns since Kentucky. In all of my pre-Kentucky pictures, my hair is all the way above the ear. Then, all of a sudden, *bam*, sideburns. I think there was something in the water that became permanent. Either way, after I was commissioned a Kentucky Colonel, I decided that the sideburns would go along with the title. At times I have trimmed them up to the bottom of the ear lobe, but they always remain as a reminder of the honor I received and the responsibility I feel comes with it. With winter coming on, I have regrown them down and in, with the idea of going for civil war mutton chops (I LOVE the movie Gettysburg). They grow rather quickly, so I can only imagine how huge they will be if Romney is the victor.

As for election predictions...I have Romney winning it. 

Just for kicks, here are images of how they look as of this writing.

Song of the Day: "My Old Kentucky Home"
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