
I believe in the popular saying that life is full of ups and downs. Though, I would make it a bit more complex by saying that the ups and downs vary on more than one scale. Each day you have ups and downs, but those daily ups and downs contribute to the long-term as well. Even more interesting I think is that a down day could contribute in the long run to a very up period. It is very intriguing to look at your life and how all the ups and downs interact with each other on the different scales.

Anyway, I could talk about that all day, but I think you'd rather hear what I intended to post about, which is the ups and downs I have recently experienced.

Today, I mostly wanted to focus on the financial. As I recently talked about, I have been working towards a complete financial responsibility overhaul of myself. I am happy to report that despite an upcoming car repair that will cost as much as $1100 and owing taxes upwards of $800, things are looking great. I am almost finished paying off my small debt to US Bank and hope to have that account closed by the end of March. The good credit I have established enabled me to be approved for both an overdraft line of credit and a credit card at my other bank. I still face a big uphill battle to cover housing costs, car payments and repairs, taxes, and other cost of living expenses, but somehow things look a whole lot better than they did. is down right now, so I'll post a great video of the song I want to be the song of the day. It is the Piano Guys again doing a mix of Beethoven and One Republic. Enjoy.
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