Taking a Break

This past month has been pretty dang crazy with moving and all, so this weekend I'm going to take a brief respite from obligation and go stay with Mike in Provo. Saturday night, we'll go to a BYU basketball game. Sunday we'll be religious. Then Monday, we're gonna go to the Jazz game. Hopefully, the fun and change of scenery will help me unwind a bit since during the holidays I opted to work a lot and dealt with a lot of stress trying to work out moving details and was only away for a bit.

Work has picked up as the month goes on as expected and has kept me busy. The first couple weeks were slow and hours were scarce. This paycheck was rough, but I think I can squeeze through bills and come out strong next month. Working in a kitchen is saving my life right now. If I had to stock my fridge and pantry for every meal at home, I would have no money at all.

I'm tired so today's post is brief, but, I have to recognize that there is a new official follower on the blog. Corey Cozzens, the catering sous chef from work, finally gave in and subscribed. Corey has been a big part of my success here in Logan. He and Jeff, the main man in our catering cooking crew, have been very patient with me as I have tried to take in as much as I can to learn more about food and how our kitchen works. I know a few times they've shaken their heads at me when I have brain farts and memory lapses, but so far this job has been the best I've had and I'm having the time of my life working with them.

As is customary, I dedicate a song to our new follower. Since Corey knows what's good in the world and loves Psych, our first song today, the "Psych" theme song, is dedicated to Mr. Corey Cozzens.

The second song is just cuz I was feelin' it.
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