
Yesterday, my blog had one of it's most visited days. I don't pretend to have a huge following; an average day brings about 5 or 6 views from different locations. Yesterday, however, my blog was fortunate enough to have 20 views, and I am grateful to everyone who has read and/or is reading my blog today.

I had a very interesting moment today. I was at work putting some extra chicken away and I needed to write the date on it. I admit I had no idea what day it was, so I asked someone. "It's December 1st", he said. Then, the weirdest thing happened. All of a sudden, this huge smile spread across my face, and my brain just started lighting up. As I walked around the kitchen merrily informing people that "HEY! IT'S DECEMBER!", I thought of the opportunities that are in my near future, all the good things I've experienced this year, and the stability I have here in Logan right now. It was truly an interesting experience for me to randomly have such a great moment in the middle of the day at work, but it was, to borrow a fitting word from a friend, fantastic.

Though many things from this year went through my head today during my mid-day highlight moment, I am still going to hold off on a review of the year for a few weeks.

The next few weeks will be extremely busy, and, in my opinion, exciting at work. Next week alone is jam packed and it only gets busier the closer we get to Christmas. Many would go into such a busy time muttering under their breath that they can't wait until it ends, but I go into it speaking loud and clear that I can't wait to get knee deep in it. I love it!

Well, since it is December, we'll go with a holiday song for the Song of the Day. Today, we have one of my favorites: it's "12 Days of Christmas" BYU Vocal Point style!
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