Hello Autumn

I take a bus to work every day. Utah State has a shuttle service that provides transportation to and from campus that service parking areas and other spots where many students would walk from. When it was warmer out, after work I would always drag my tired body on the bus ride back to my car. However, recently, with the onset of cooler fall weather, I have found myself walking the mile to my car each day. The walk down the hill is fantastic. As you go down, a panorama of the north end of the valley comes into view, each little city visible, ending as the gentle hills build back up into the mountains that surround us here. Somewhere in that area, one state ends and another begins, but as you look across, mother nature makes no matter of who is governing what. To her, the land belongs to all.

I have always enjoyed taking time to notice the beauty of the world around me, though in recent years I regret that I was too caught up in life to look. I remember once last year while walking to work at Seven Peaks there was a flowering shrub that I could always smell from the other side of the street as I passed by. One day, I was approaching from the shrub's side of the road and I stopped. Thinking about all the times people have said to stop and smell the roses, I reached out, gently pulled a branch towards me, and lightly drew in the sweet smell.  As I walked down my hill today, orange and yellow leaves crunching beneath me, and crisp, cool air surrounding me, I was grateful to once again enjoy my surroundings. I hope you all take the time to enjoy your surroundings as well.

Since yesterday's post, I gained an unprecedented 3 new followers! Welcome, Thomas Owens from back in Kentucky, lil' sis Camilla up in Rexburg, and a special welcome to my awesome friend Jolene Findlay tuning in from out in Thatcher, Arizona! I hope you all enjoy reading my posts.

I looked and looked and looked for a good song of the day. I chose at least 5 different ones ranging from John Denver to Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. Ultimately, I liked the mood of this song I had never heard before and happened upon by mistake. It is "Autumn Leaves" sung by Eva Cassidy.
1 Response
  1. TJO Says:

    We do need to be more mindful of our surroundings. And we need to be reminded every once in a while, so thanks for the nudge to do so.Another good post and another good song. Keep it up Jon, this is good stuff!
